Fiber Laser Cutting Machine — Doris

Laser Cutting: What to Keep in Mind

When dealing with the laser treatment of various materials and especially with laser cutting, then we need to study which factors, what parameters influence the process and what to take into account each time.

fiber laser cutting machine
fiber laser cutting machine

Laser Cutting: Factors that Affect the Process

Sức mạnh của Laser: The laser power is one of the most important factors in the laser treatment of different materials. Usually, a lower power laser beam is preferred when the material we want to cut is relatively thin and not that solid.

Also, a lower power laser beam is utilized when we want a greater cutting precision. On the other hand, thicker and more durable materials require a higher powered laser beam. For example, an 8mm metal sheet requires at least 1000 watts to be cut effectively.

Tần số xung: The pulse frequency is somewhat proportionally linked to the laser beam power. For machining “soft” materials and performing “lighter” laser cutting, a reduced pulse frequency is preferred.

Modern lasers offer sophisticated control features for the laser cutting process cho phép tự động tăng hoặc giảm tần số xung theo vật liệu hiện có.

brass laser cutting machine
brass laser cutting machine

cắt laser Loại khí: Each material requires a specific type of gas to be used by the laser in order for the machining to be effective and safe. The wood which is flammable excludes the use of oxygen for example because there would be a fire hazard. Oxygen on the other hand, is used when cutting metal surfaces which are free of oxides.

The gas type is not the only factor that comes into play. The quality of the gas is equally important. Different purity versions of the same type of gas, affect differently the cutting process both time- & quality-wise.

Áp suất khí ga: The pressure of the laser gas is another important factor to keep in mind. The gas pressure is influenced by the thickness of the material to be cut. The thinner the material, the lower the gas pressure or there is a risk of damaging the material and the laser device itself.

Kích thước vòi phun: The cutting nozzles significantly influence the laser cutting process. For example, when we have to deal with low-pressure laser cutting, smaller nozzles are required. Conversely, when the material machining calls for a higher-pressure cut, then we need to use larger nozzles.

Khoảng cách vòi phun từ bề mặt vật liệu: Khoảng cách giữa đầu phun và bề mặt cắt đóng vai trò quan trọng đối với chất lượng của kết quả cắt laser cuối cùng. Theo nguyên tắc chung, khoảng cách giữa đầu và bề mặt càng ngắn thì chúng ta có đường cắt càng chính xác và chất lượng cao hơn.

That being said, in several occasions it is advised to increase the distance in order to prevent damage to the equipment.

Tình trạng ống kính lấy nét: Ống kính lấy nét cần phải sạch sẽ và luôn trong tình trạng hoàn hảo. Nếu có dấu vết ô nhiễm trên ống kính thì quá trình cắt laser bị cản trở và kết quả có chất lượng thấp hơn. Hơn nữa, ống kính lấy nét bẩn là thủ phạm chính làm tăng nhiệt độ và có thể gây hại cho thiết bị laser.

Always check the lens for random lens deformations and damages. If the lens has suffered any type of damage, the “abnormality” degree of the surface of the material will be increased.

In our next article we will continue to analyze and study more factors that contribute to the appropriate functionality of your laser machine and affect the laser cutting quality and processing of your materials.

metal laser cutting machine
metal laser cutting machine

Attn: Doris Xing 


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