Report Express
Report Express

Fast Cutting Speed
And High Efficiency
And High Efficiency

Lowering Cost 35%
More Expense Dropping
More Expense Dropping

High Cutting Quality
Burrs Gone
Burrs Gone

Great Helper To
Expand Your Business
Expand Your Business

No Need To Upgrade
No Need To Upgrade
Cutting Ability: 12kW+ vs 6kW

12kW+ laser cutter brings profits

Carbon steel cutting efficiency comparison:
For 6-25mm, the cutting speed of 20kW is 160% -567% faster than 6 kW.
For 6-40mm, the cutting speed of 20kW is 18% -119% faster than 15 kW.

Stainless steel cutting efficiency comparison:
For 6-20mm, the cutting speed of 20kW is 207% -692% faster than 6 kW.
For 6-40mm, the cutting speed of 20kW is 18% -71% faster than 15 kW.

Carbon steel cutting cost (per meter) comparison:
For 6-25mm, the cost of 20kW is 22% -69% lower than 6 kW.
For 6-40mm, the cost of 20kW is 5% -42% lower than 15 kW.

Stainless steel cutting cost(per meter) comparison:
For 6-20mm, the cost of 20kW is 35% -75% lower than 6 kW.
For 6-40mm, the cost of 20kW is 4% -28% lower than 15 kW.