The quality of fiber laser cutting machine can not only look at the power level?-Catherine

In the application of laser technology, fiber laser cutting technology applications occupy more than 60% of the share. Its application areas are mainly non-metallic cutting, such as textile leather cutting. The other is metal cutting, mainly in the processing of metal materials.

As a professional metal fiber laser cutting equipment manufacturers, in the above two aspects have their own unique skills. Now to improve the metal fiber laser cutting machine cutting quality method for the introduction.

Users in the purchase of fiber laser cutting equipment are trying to improve the quality of cutting. But often in the cutting process will take into account the cost savings, and some even do the ultimate savings, such as auxiliary gas impure. Resulting in power attenuation.

Sometimes taking into account the profits, while ignoring the fiber laser cutting machine can cut the thickness and output power. This article explains some of the fiber laser cutting machine to improve the quality of the method, hoping to attract the attention of the majority of users.

1, the thickness of metal materials

Fiber laser cutting machine output power is generally 500W and 1000W, 2000W above for high power. 1000W power below the fiber laser cutting machine suitable for cutting in the 14mm. Below the thickness of carbon steel and 6mm below the stainless steel products. These two types of products in the corresponding material thickness cutting quality is very good, cutting speed. To ensure that laser cutting The efficiency and cost savings.

And these two materials in the application of more than the thickness of cutting. The cutting speed will slow down, cutting quality worse, thicker material will not be able to cut. In contrast, if it is less than the thickness of the applicable cutting, such as 1mm stainless steel. The quality of its cutting will be very good, without subsequent processing can be applied to the downstream link.

2, the material surface roughness

We all know that fiber laser cutting flexible processing means good, not subject to the shape of the workpiece restrictions, but by the surface roughness limit can not achieve the perfect cutting effect. The better the quality of the material surface will be better, so the stability of the machine is also very important, need to ensure that the laser cutting work environment.

3, laser output power

Fiber laser cutting machine output power higher cutting material thickness is also higher, the corresponding cutting quality will be better, so the user in the pre-purchase process must be clear their own material thickness, type, etc., to avoid cutting or Do not get the desired cutting quality. In addition the laser cutting mode and material consistency is higher, the quality of cutting the better.

4, cutting speed

Whether the laser cutting speed too fast or too slow can not get high quality cutting quality, it can not only consider to improve the efficiency and speed up the cutting speed, or in order to get better quality to cut slowly. Select the appropriate cutting speed in order to obtain excellent cutting quality, which requires the cutting process in strict accordance with the requirements of manufacturers operating, control laser cutting process.

    Teklif Al

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