Different power of fiber laser marking machine-Teresa

Different power of fiber laser marking machine has different marking efficiency. Most customers who purchase laser marking machines for the first time usually ask the price of the machine directly. Because they don’t know much about the fiber laser marking machine. However, the price depends on the type and power of fiber laser marking machine. And the power should meet customer’s requirements. For example, mark what product? what material? And the marking range, product size,depth, color, etc. For the same type machine, the greater the power, the higher the price. So what’s the difference  of the laser power?

Power of fiber laser marking machine

At present, the laser power of the fiber laser marking machine has 20W, 30W, 50W, 100W.

Take 20W and 30W for example, There’s no big difference from the overall perspective. The biggest difference exists in the power of of laser source. But we can change the 30W machine into 20W. Meanwhile won’t change the material they mark. However,  the 20w marking machine can’t be adjusted to 30W. If the material you mark  later needs to use 30W power, then you have to change a laser. The reason is that your biggest laser power is 20W. It can not be changed.

So we usually recommend 3oW to buyers. Thus can alleviate the shortcomings of insufficient user power in the future.

Some materials can only use 20w power to achieve perfect results. 30W power can not produce perfect results. Some materials can only use 30W power to achieve perfect results. While 20W can not can not achieve good results.


In short: the greater the power, the bigger the marking range, the deeper the marking depth, and the faster the speed of the same workpiece. When marking certain materials or requirements, we can change the high power to  lower power, but cannot change the low power to higher power.

    Teklif Al

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