Laser marking machine to create safe medical packaging-Angelina

Laser marking machine to create safe medical packaging

For many years, XT Laser has provided professional and perfect laser marking machine and solutions for many pharmaceutical packaging companies.

In fact,the medical industry is developing rapidly and people have more medicines to choose from.

At the same time, many counterfeit and shoddy products have also appeared on the market to harm people’s rights and interests.

And medical packaging has become the key to distinguishing between genuine and fake medicines.

Important data such as anti-counterfeiting code, production date and license number must be listed on the surface of medical packaging.

In a word,Laser marking machine has become an important technology for medical packaging identification.

XT Laser is a professional laser machine manufacturer with extensive experience in the field of pharmaceutical packaging marking.

And  it has developed a number of high-quality dynamic laser marking machines.

Safer and healthier

As we know,medicines focus on safety and hygiene and require high product labeling.

The materials used in ink printers contain substances that are prone to environmental pollution and are no longer suitable for marking in the pharmaceutical industry.

What’s more ,laser marking is a non-contact, non-polluting marking method that is ideal for pharmaceutical packaging marking.

More anti-counterfeiting

Then using the XT laser marking machine to mark the medical packaging, it has stable reliability and durability.

And the marked information is clear and intuitive, and it has strong corrosion resistance.

It is not easy to be erased and eliminated, which guarantees the anti-counterfeiting of medical products.

Marking efficiency is higher

The XT laser marking machine greatly improves the marking efficiency of the pharmaceutical packaging industry, saving a lot of labor costs and time.

Besides,the identification of conventional products usually takes only a few seconds.

And if you use the pipeline to dynamically mark, the speed is faster.

    Teklif Al

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