How to engrave with aluminum laser so that it comes out in black?-Bunny

Throughout our experience in materials for engraving and laser cutting.  We have met many clients with the need to perform laser engraving on aluminum. And that the result was in black, instead of the natural color of the same aluminum.

Usually, when recording on aluminum with a CO2 laser, we must always use anodized aluminum (with a special lacquer). The reason is because the laser removes the paint layer so that the color of the aluminum contrast with the color of the lacquer.

What if we want to engrave an aluminum plate of the material’s own color?

Throughout our experience in materials for engraving and laser cutting, we have encountered many clients with the need to perform laser engraving on aluminum and that the result was in black, instead of the natural color of the same aluminum.

Usually, when recording on aluminum with a CO2 laser, we must always use anodized aluminum (with a special lacquer). The reason is because the laser removes the paint layer so that the color of the aluminum contraste with the color of the lacquer.

What if we want to engrave an aluminum plate of the material’s own color?
There will be no contrast, the engraving will hardly distinguish, unless we apply some type of oxidizing liquid to darken.

A few months ago, we added a new aluminum to our catalog of materials to record with both CO2 laser and fiber laser. The most notable feature is that the engraving is directly black, without the need to apply any abrasive or spray.

This aluminum has a surface treatment that achieves, with both laser technologies, that the result is black, we can even vary the power and speed parameters to achieve different shades. Being a thin aluminum plate, only 0.5 mm thick easily cut with shear.

The vast majority of applications used with laser for metals are the customization of advertising materials and gifts or posters. In addition to industrial applications, such as identification plates.

Both the engraving and the laser marking of metallic materials are very clean applications when carrying out the design process. In addition to obtaining great precision without damaging the surface. The result is a permanent laser engraving or marking, either of a text, logo or image.