How to choose the fiber laser cutting machine nozzle- Sara

How to choose the fiber laser cutting machine nozzle

How to choose the fiber laser cutting machine nozzle– the nozzle functiom

How to choose the fiber laser cutting machine nozzle.  Do you know what function of nozzles have? For the cutting effect there are many factors affect.

But the nozzles are important one. It has different size diameter. The nozzle choose is very important. Nozzle not choose affect cutting effect. But also affect the cut precision.

A good and suit nozzle can bring better cut effect. What function does nozzle have?

Do you know how to choose it ? And do you know the effect of the nozzles?


How to choose the fiber laser cutting machine nozzle – the nozzle choose

How to choose the fiber laser cutting machine nozzle? now there are some tips for nozzles choose.

The nozzle can Prevent cutting melt stains . And also prevent other debris upward in. Also protect  the cutting head from damage.

How does the nozzle affect the cut effect? The nozzle can change the condition of the cutting gas gush out.

But it can control the area and the size . Which is of the gas diffusion. So that it can affect the cutting quality.

But do you knwo how to choose nozzles?

How to choose the fiber laser cutting machine nozzle . The aperture of the nozzle has many kinds.  Like  φ1.0mm, φ1.4mm, φ2.0mm, φ2.5mm, φ3.0mm and so on.

At present the nozzle aperture often uses φ1.4mm, φ2.0mm.

For 3mm sheet Using φ1.4mm. And the  cutting surface will be thinner.

But if use φ2mm to cut. The cutting surface will be thicker. Also the corner place easy to have melting stains.

For More than 3mm thick plate. When We need to choose  φ1.4mm. The gas diffusion area is small.  so the use is not very stable

But With φ2mm, gas diffusion area is large. Also gas flow rate is slow. so the cutting is more stable.



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