Which metal is most suitable for laser cutting machine – Carlos

Which metal is most suitable for laser cutting machine

When laser cutting machines process metals, the most widely use materials are stainless steel and carbon steel. Compared with metals with high reflectivity, such as aluminum alloys and brass, these two metals have better light absorption. So laser cutting The application is more and more extensive.

What is the difference between a powerful laser cutting machine when processing stainless steel and carbon steel? What material is most suitable for cutting with a laser cutting machine?

The cutting process is very different
When using a laser cutting machine to process stainless steel, because stainless steel contains 10%-20% chromium, both iron and chromium are prone to exothermic reaction with oxygen during cutting. The chromium oxide has the property of preventing oxygen from entering the molten material. The amount of oxygen entering the melt layer reduce, the melted layer not oxidized completely, the reaction is reduced, and the cutting speed is reduced.

Different materials processing skills
When laser cutting the mirror stainless steel. In order to prevent serious burns to the plate, a laser film is require. Despite the membrane protection, there will be a little burn on the edges. At this time, it is necessary to strictly control the laser cutting. Process parameters during the processing process to maintain good corrosion resistance of such materials. The most important process parameters affecting the cutting quality of stainless steel are cutting speed, laser power, oxygen pressure and focus.

Compared with the traditional processing method. The laser cutting machine has higher processing efficiency and can achieve mass production. Therefore, it more widely use for the processing of stainless steel and carbon steel. Both metals are suitable for laser cutting processing, but the processing shown For efficiency and processing quality, it is necessary to constantly explore and adjust the equipment to achieve the best condition.


When laser cutting machines process metals, the most widely use materials are stainless steel and carbon steel.

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