The selection of gas and pressure during fiber laser cutting-Angelina

The selection of gas and pressure during fiber laser cutting

When the fiber laser cutting machine is cutting, customer need select different cutting gases  according to the material of the cutting plate.

Therefore the choice of gas and pressure has a great impact on the quality of fiber laser cutting machines.

What are the auxiliary gases used in fiber laser cutting machines?

Auxiliary gases we use in fiber cutting machines are mainly including oxygen, nitrogen and air.

Nitrogen is generally for copper, aluminum, and stainless steel.

The oxygen is for carbon steel.

When using air cutting, we require 10 kW air compressor , and a 7.5 KW dryer and a tertiary filter.

Effect of gas and pressure on cutting quality during fiber laser cutting.

1) The cutting gas helps to dissipate heat and assist combustion.

And it blows off the melt to obtain a better quality cut section.

2) When the pressure of the cutting gas is insufficient, which will influence the following effects on the cutting quality.

The melting will occur during cutting, and the cutting speed cannot meet the production efficiency.

3) When the pressure of the cutting gas is too high, the influence on the cutting quality.

The cutting surface is rough, and the slit is wide.

The effect of the pressure of the cutting gas on the perforation

1) When the gas pressure is too low, the laser does not easily penetrate the cut sheet, and the punching time increases, resulting in low productivity.

2) When the gas pressure is too high, the penetration point is melted to form a large melting point, which affects the quality of the cutting.

3) When laser drilling, we generally apply a higher gas pressure to the punching of the thin plate.

And we adopt a specific punching method  for the punching of the thick plate, thereby eliminating the disadvantage of the low air pressure to protect the lens.

4) When the laser cutting machine cuts ordinary carbon steel, the thicker the material, the lower the pressure of the cutting gas.

When cutting stainless steel, the cutting gas pressure increases relatively with the thickness of the material.

In short, customer could adjust the choice of cutting gas and pressure during laser cutting according to the actual situation during cutting.

In specific applications, different cutting parameters should be selected according to the specific conditions.

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