Laser marking machine operation problems and using skills–Lydia

Laser marking machine operation problems and using skills

This article is about laser marking machine operation problems and using skills.

More and more people choose to use fiber laser cutting machine. Because some of them didn’t use it before, so there are many operation problems.Here I ‘d like to share laser marking machine operation problems and using skill.


1.During the laser marking process, the laser does not emit light?

1) Please confirm that the marking card is an adjustable pulse width fiber laser marking card

and set the correct parameters.

2) Strongly recommend to use genuine marking card and marking software.

3) Please confirm that the connecting lines are not loose.

4) Marking card or computer crashes.

5)Please restart the laser.

6)If you still can’t solve it, please provide detailed settings and contact our technical staff as soon as possible.


2.When click the “Mark” button, receive a “temperature abnormal” prompt?

1)Please confirm that the marking card is a variable pulse width fiber laser type marking card

and set the correct parameters. The hardware line connect correctly;

2)Strongly recommend to use genuine marking card and marking software;

3)Check if the fan is working properly;

4) Check if the fan air inlet is block;

5) Check whether the fan outlet direction is consistent with the fan system air outlet direction;

6)After checking all the above, please restart the machine laser.


3.After the laser source properly connect, it does not emit light?

1)Please confirm that the marking card is a variable pulse width fiber laser type marking card

and set the correct parameters.The hardware line connect correctly;

2)Strongly recommend to use genuine marking card and marking software;

3)Please confirm that the laser output to the marking sample is smooth

4)Please adjust the focal length;

5)The laser will reduce the power output at low frequencies.

Try to set the pulse width frequency power to test the laser with the following parameters: 200ns-100kHz-50%;

6) If you still can’t solve it, please write down the marking environment and contact our technicians as soon as possible.

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