FAQS about fiber laser cutting machine — Doris

FAQS about fiber laser cutting machine

Fiber laser cutting machine now widely used in metal processing, which is the new trend and future in metal cutting field.

As first time purchasing, customers may have many question, below some answers hope can help you!

1.What is laser cutting?

RE: Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Basically, this entails firing a laser beam at material to melt, cut, or vaporize it to form the required shape.

2.How accurate is laser cutting?
RE: Machine suppliers quote plus or minus 0.1mm, though the reality is that this can vary significantly without constant servicing and maintenance. XTLASER can work to tighter tolerances if requested, but this takes time to adjust machine parameters. Additionally, a laser cut on thicker materials can be difficult to measure accurately due to gas striations.
3.What materials can you cut?
RE: Materials currently include mild steel (0.5-25mm), stainless steel (0.5-20mm) and aluminium (0.5mm to 15mm) in most forms. As well as brass, copper, galvanized sheet, silver and gold. But the industry is changing with the advent of fibre laser technology.
4. What drawing files can you accept?
RE: DXF, DWG, IGES, STEP and NC files are the most common and easily transferrable into most CAD/CAM systems.
5. What’s the smallest hole you can laser cut?
RE: The traditional rule was that the thickness of material was equal to the smallest diameter hole. But this has changed with the advent of advanced piercing techniques and further still with the on-going development of fiber laser technology.
6. Why should I laser cut?
RE: It is probably the most cost-effective and fastest way of producing a clean and accurate profile.
7.How thick is a laser beam?
RE: This can vary dependent on optic cleanliness, but the optimum C02 laser beam is 0.2mm. Again, this has changed with fibre lasers, as this is a more controllable beam delivery system and is closer to 0.1mm.

If you need more info, feel free to contact me:

Attn:       Doris Xing 
Email:      xintian103@xtlaser.com
Skype:        xtlaser103
Whatsapp:      008615990992073
Youtube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzLMdocfV8K3yJdFds2PkgA

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