Laser cutting: the advantages of a sustainable process- Alicia

Laser cutting: the advantages of a sustainable process

It provides many advantages of laser cutting over other processes, such as material savings, a higher production speed, the execution of precise cuts and the obtaining of high quality results.

A clean and precise cutting process

This technique of cutting uses the laser as the main tool through a robotized drive in its entirety. Elimina a mechanical pressure and contact on the material. Making cuts with great precision with a laser directed through nozzles. With a precise system of mirrors, the beam of light is guided to the cutting head of the machine. Once it comes into contact with the surface, it heats it until it melts or vaporizes. The beam follows the chosen shape and separates the material, thus generating exact cuts.

The advantages of laser cutting make it the best process to obtain demanding results:

  • High precision and level of detail: it allows to handle complex cutting profiles. As well as very small radii of curvature. There are hardly any ridges, since the cuts are very clean.
  • Savings in production costs: there is no investment in consumables, and it is also possible to eliminate the finishing or polishing phase.
  • It allows to dispense with cutting dies. In addition making silhouette adjustments at all times.
  • It can use on all types of materials and thicknesses, also adding personalized information.
  • It is a clean process: no use chemicals or pollutants, so it is a clear commitment to sustainability.
  • Results is largely reproduced with hardly any distortion and heat affected areas.
  • It offers great versatility: the wavelength allows cutting, in addition to steel sheets or tubes. Reflective materials such as aluminum, copper or brass.
  • The tools do not wear out: the head does not lose properties with continuous use. Which in the long run justifies the investment.
  • Laser cutting of steel, stainless or aluminum brings more advantages than other mechanical metal cuts. This is the case of plasma cutting, which offers a lower quality of cut, involves a greater consumption of energy and generates waste and noise.

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