Opening the Custom Jewelers’ Tool Chest: XT LASER Jewelry Laser Welder-lisa

Opening the Custom Jewelers’ Tool Chest: XT LASER Jewelry Laser Welder-lisa

Custom Jewelers are only as strong as their imaginations and the tools they use.

Laser technology has found its way into many industries, both new — solar, electronics, aerospace — and some of the oldest, including jewelry making. A laser welder can help bench jewelers.

And while laser welding tools are perfect for working with metals such as silver, gold, platinum, and more. They also have the ability to assist in repairing jewelry containing gemstones without having to remove the mounting. Laser welders create strong welds and can even weld in the direct vicinity of heat-sensitive stones such as emerald, peridot, aquamarine, opal, pearl, and others.

Meet the XT LASER laser welding machine

It’s a small but powerful and efficient machine. It has a user-friendly touchscreen, enabling jewelers like us to set weld parameters quickly and input customized settings. In addition, we can switch between these settings seamlessly. Also has an advanced cooling system that reduces wear and tear on critical parts of the machine and creates less maintenance down the line.

As for the laser welder itself, it possesses a Leica 10x stereo microscope to keep a close eye on the piece. In addition to a camera that transports sharp footage directly to the touch screen.


This laser welder is practically maintenance free. In addition to the amazing capabilities of the advanced cooling system, LED lights are used to illuminate the welding chamber without adding extra heat. In addition, there’s no water filter that needs to be replaced. And the entire laser system weighs less than 80 pounds, so it can be moved with ease.

Microscopic weld joints allow us to weld small workpieces easily. And the pulse-shape settings on the machine make it possible to weld on any metal with multiple configuration options. There is also a larger-than-normal opening in the weld chamber that offers easier access and enables to work more freely on any size project.

If any helps you need, please contact us directly,

Mob: 008615954124625


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