Fiber laser cutting machines cannot cut nonmetallic materials-Catherine

Fiber laser cutting machines cannot cut nonmetallic materials

Now the fiber laser cutting machine is popular, so fiber laser cutting machine cannot cut nonmentallic materials?

Stainless steel laser cutting machine
Stainless steel laser cutting machine

Firstly, the fiber laser cutting machine belongs to the processing category of metal laser cutting machine.


So it can only cut metal, can not cut non-metal such as cloth, leather, stone, etc. The reason is very simple. The wavelength range of fiber laser cutting machine is not within the absorption range of the above materials. Or the absorption is not suitable. And the ideal cutting effect not achieve. At present, the advantage of applying to non-metal cutting is not obvious. So fiber laser cutting machine cannot cut nonmentallic materials.


Secondly, fiber laser cutting machines do not recommend long-term cutting of rare metal materials such as aluminum and copper.


Because these materials are highly reflective materials. (Note: high reflection has little to do with the smoothness of the cut surface of the sheet, mainly because the wavelength of the laser is not. Within the ideal absorption range of the material, the absorption effect is not good, most of the energy is reflected back, and it is easy to damage the protective lens in front of the laser head), the long-term use effect is not good, and the consumption of the consumables is increased. So fiber laser cutting machine cannot cut nonmentallic materials.

Finally, the fiber laser cutting machine, according to its power size, the cutting thickness also changes.


The higher the power, the larger the cutting thickness, the thinner the metal material, the faster the cutting speed. The fiber laser cutting machine has obvious advantages for thin plate cutting. So fiber laser cutting machine cannot cut nonmentallic materials.

And now XT LASER concentrate on fiber laser cutting machine, fiber laser marking machine, laser welding machine, fiber laser cleaning machine and CO2 laser engraving machine. So do you want more information for us? Then contact with us.



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