MOPA fiber laser marking machine-4-Clara

In last articles, we have talked a lot about technical support of MOPA fiber laser marking machine. Today we just tell story about our clients.

Norway client story

In 28th, July, we got a client from Norway. He was looking for a fiber laser marker, which is mostly used for rings bracelets and necklac. Nearly all his workpieces are made of stainless steel. But he also told us he needed black and white effect on phone case.

Actually for rings and bracelets, we will offer our Q-switch fiber laser marking machine, which is cheaper. But for phone cases, Q-switch laser is able to do it. Its marking results are not black, but some gray. Here are some videos of fiber laser marking machine on phone case:

Cause our client has strong demands on black effect on phone case. What’s more, he is doing great in gift and jewelry in Norway. His products must be with a clean and exquisite surface. So we just offered the MOPA 30W M1+ laser marking machine for him.

Here we also need to tell our clients. The laser source we use for MOPA machine is JPT. And for color marking, apart from different power supply, the laser source has 2 kind catagories: M1+ and M6+. M6+ laser source will be much easier than M1+ in making multi-color. And of course, M1+ price will be cheaper than M6+. But as far as we know, there are some suppliers that will offer M1+ with M6+ price. So please take care of this point, cause we have a client who had been cheated once.

When we offered as much as information about the MOPA machine, he decided to purchase the machine after 3 days. We do like him, and he has sent some samples to us, here we would like to share:

We also like to post some samples and videos of color marking on stainless steel:

More information, please feel free to contact:

Clara     Email/Skype:         Tel/Whatsapp: 008613335151833



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