Fiber laser metal cutter in India market: Charry

Fiber laser metal cutter in India market

Fiber laser metal cutter in India market.

For now,we are on the Indian exhibition.

Our schedule in India,as below:

New Delhi from 14th to 24th,attend two exhibitions for the fiber laser cutting machine and marking machine.

The booth is: 7F15 from 14th to 16th,the another one is K-135 from 22th to 24th.

Today is our first day to attend the exhibition,with a great achievements,sharing the pictures with you:

Fiber laser metal cutter in India market

Fiber laser metal cutter in India market







When we have the cutting testing,Indian customers are attracted by our machine,higher cutting speed,great cutting precision,and beautiful cutting effect.

Fiber laser metal cutter in India market

Actually,we had a discussion of Indian market, cause Central government control the tax,government have money, they will build many base installation,next year,there will be many customers need the fiber laser cutting machine.

So you will catch this market in advance?Or lose the chance.

And we believed that you should know the Beckhoff,the control system company of fiber laser cutting machine ,thats famous in the field of fiber laser machine market,suitable for higher laser power.

Yesterday they had a visiting of our company,and another company in Jinan city.

They checked both of our machine bed by using their control system.

The good news is that they told us our machine bed is really stable,the precision is great.
But the bad news is that the other company can not meet their needs,the machine bed is shaking seriously when cutting.

Sharing one of our indian customers cutting video with you;

Following with the samples by metal laser cutter:

Fiber laser metal cutter in India market














If you have focused on Indian market,hope we can have a win-win cooperation.


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