Can fiber laser engraver mark on wood?-Angelina

Can fiber laser engraver mark on wood?

A common question that arises is: “Can my fiber laser engraver mark on wood?”

Cause a lot of customers  operate a Fiber Laser for marking projects .

And they may want to make the most of their investment and try it on new materials.

The quick answer is “yes.”

The correct answer is “no.”

Therefore,let me explain.

I said “yes” because you can technically use a fiber laser on wood.

But would you want to?

Anyone who has experimented can attest that you can light wood on fire with a fiber laser.

That is really all you are doing with the wood: starting a campfire.

Why does wood react this way to a fiber laser engraver?

The 1064nm wavelength of a fiber laser engraver transmits partially through the organic structure based on its shorter wavelength.

This is why 1064nm is used for medical procedures like laser eye surgery.

At this wavelength, the laser beam travels through skin or eye tissues to do its work non-invasively at a deeper level.

When the beam travels into wood, heat builds up.

It is absorbed uncontrollably because of the variances in the wood material.

Eventually, the wood will ignite and is then fuel for the intense heat (hence, the campfire scenario).

Due to the uncontrolled absorption, an uncontrolled mark is the result.

If you have spent time trying to force this technique, it will produce an uneven looking mark.

It will be with some places charred and others vaguely representing anything at all.

fiber laser engraver

To successfully mark wood without the safety risk of starting a fire, use a CO2 laser.

The 10600nm wavelength is 10x larger and is easily absorbed by organic materials, reacting with wood like a true cutting tool.

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