The application of fiber laser cleaning machine-Ariel

The application of fiber laser cleaning machine

This article is about the application of fiber laser cleaning machine.

There can be many reasons that nettoyage au laser needs to be used on metals.  From the aerospace to the food manufacturing industry, you all can its applications. The applications such as:

Firstly, Cleaning baking trays
Secondly, Preparing metals for welding treatment
Thirdly, Removing paint from a selected area
Fourthly, Removing traffic film and dirt from planes, buses, etc.
Fifthly, Benefits of using fiber lasers on metals
A fiber laser will offer you a great deal of control, and so the ablation depth that you wish to reach can  achieved with a high degree of accuracy. Given this high degree of accuracy, fiber lasers are the perfect process for working with micro applications, which has become more and more of a necessity in the modern climate of parts and pieces getting ever smaller and more intricate.

It is also non-contact, and therefore non-abrasive, process, and so no unnecessary or unwanted damage on your metal. This is something that more traditional cleaning methods, such as media blasting, have struggled with.

Finally, fiber lasers are highly efficient, enjoying much longer operational lives than other cleaning methods, and even other laser methods.

Any other questions,pls feel free to contact us.

Ariel from XT LASER
WhatsApp&Wechat&Mobile: +86 17866940010
Skype: Ariel XTLaser

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