What do you use laser welding for?-XT LASER Claire
Because the heat source from laser welding is stronger, it helps you create stronger, more reliable seams at higher speeds.
Laser cutting/welding parts for cars or cars
Many industries and sectors rely on it. The most common include:
Automobile industry
aerospace industry
Assembly and Manufacturing Industry
Engineering and IT department
construction industry
There are a lot more
How do you use a handheld laser welder?
Using a handheld laser welder is not rocket science. It just requires you to know what you need to do and the results you’ve been looking for.
The first step is to turn on the engine. Make sure you connect it with the proper voltage your machine needs
Activate the emergency stop button as well as the laser generator button. This will open the screen or interface
Activation of laser source and water cooler/chiller
Depending on the thickness of the material, use the interface to specify power, mode and speed
Grab the laser welder and adjust the focus of the nozzle
Test it with scrap to see if the specs are correct
That’s it! You now know how to use and operate a handheld laser welding machine.
المزيد من الأسئلة فقط أخبرنا.
Claire from XT LASER
البريد الإلكتروني: xintian154@xtlaser.com
الخلية (Whatsapp): 008617863530327