أهم المكونات الأساسية لآلة القطع بالليزر الليفي- أنجلينا

The Most Important Core Components of the Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

Now, the laser industry develop rapidly, the fiber laser cutting machine is becoming the first choice and replacing the traditional cutting process .

It has the advantages like good cutting quality and cutting efficiency, and no pollution, no consumables during the metal cutting process.

However, there still have big difference in cutting quality and efficiency among the fiber laser cutting machine with the distinct components.

Today we will show the most important six components for you when you want to purchase a fiber laser cutting machine that suitable for your condition.


The fiber laser is belong to the high precision equipment.

And the core motivation source of the fiber laser cutting machine.

It is also the most expensive part of the آلة قطع ألياف الليزر.

يجب أن نولي المزيد من الاهتمام لها عند شراء آلة قطع ألياف الليزر.

الليزر الذي تعتمده آلة القطع بالليزر الليفي هو في الأساس ليزر الألياف.

At present, there are popular laser brand like Germany IPG and ROFIN, SPI in England in the international laser market.

And domestic brand including Raycus and Max with high value is becoming Popular.

We all know that the imported laser with the characters like high purchase cost, long lead time but with the good cutting quality and efficiency, low maintenance cost and long service life.

Compared with the imported laser, there are more choice in domestic market with lower price.

لذلك ، من الأفضل بالنسبة لنا تلبية متطلبات الإنتاج لدينا لاختيار الليزر سواء كان العلامة التجارية المستوردة أو المحلية.

مصدر الليزر

If u want to learn more, pls contact with:

البريد الإلكتروني: xintian118@xtlaser.com

جوال / whatsup: +8613335191585


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