كيفية تحسين كفاءة الوسم في آلة الوسم بليزر الألياف- كريس
How to improve marking efficiency in fiber laser marking machine
How to Improve Marking Efficiency in fiber laser marking machine ? This is a really important thing to consider when using the machine.
Fiber laser marking machine’s aim is to bring higher production efficiency and create higher value to the enterprise. We all want to mark faster when using the machine. But how to improve the marking speed of fiber laser marking machine?
First,influence factors
تنقسم عوامل التأثير الرئيسية لآلة الوسم بليزر الألياف إلى عوامل داخلية وعوامل معالجة قطعة العمل.
The internal factors are mainly laser frequency, laser spot mode and beam divergence angle, laser power. And auxiliary gas substances during reasonable optical shaping and matching processing also relate. We should be pay attention to internal factors when selecting and selecting the early models. And we should also follow the opinions of laser engineers to select and purchase the models.
Another factor that we need to pay attention to during customer processing is mainly marking density, marking width, marking depth and laser spot size.
First, marking density
في ظل ظروف نفس العرض ونفس بقعة الضوء ونفس العمق ، كلما زادت كثافة الوسم ، كانت سرعة الوسم المقابلة أبطأ. والسبب هو أن الكثافة تزيد بشكل مباشر من منطقة الوسم.
Second, marking format
نظرًا لتزايد مساحة انحراف الجلفانومتر لوضع العلامات ذات التنسيق الكبير ، تكون سرعة الوسم للتنسيق الكبير أبطأ من سرعة العلامات ذات التنسيق الصغير.
Third, marking depth
According to the demand, if the depth of marking needs to be deepened, the parameters of fiber laser marking machine need to be adjusted to increase the power and current of fiber laser marking machine and other factors, thus affecting the marking speed in these processes.
Method to improve efficiency
أولاً, select a small-amplitude field mirror within a suitable range.
ثانية, control the density during marking and select a small density within the range that can meet the requirements.
ثالث, ensure the daily maintenance of the machine and keep it in good condition.