6.How to find focus of laser marking machine-Ella

How to find focus of laser marking machine

1.Fiber laser marking machine is become more and more popular in various fields.
It is very easy on operation,also the price is going down day and day.
However for some people who have poor experience on laser machine.,
they may face many questions,for example many people don’t know how to find the focus.
2.Why need find fiber laser marking machine Focus?
Fiber laser marking machine adjust working size by F-theta lens.
The F-theta lens is one convex lens, like a magnifying lens.
 We know it have focus length from lens to pieces.
With this length, all light power focus on one point and have very high power.
Fiber laser marking machine use this theory focus all laser on one point,
then the laser will leave marks by high temperature.
So only when machine on correct focus, laser marking machine works well.
This is why we need find correct focus before use laser machine.

3.How to fiber laser marking machine focus?

Now total have three ways can help to find the correct focus.

1).In the beginning, we need look for focus manually.

We can put one small metal piece on working area and select “Continue” button.

Then we need up and down the laser marking head and check the laser light.

When there is very strong laser light works on the metal surface, it is the focus.

This way is the most common way and easy to learn.

2).Measure the length.

Different working size F-theta lens have special focus length.

We can measure the length from F-theta lens to working piece.

This way have some problems as the measurement may have some errors.

Still we need to do some fine adjustment after find the focus by this way.

3).Outside red pointer.

We install one extra red pointer under laser marking head.

So when machine open there is two point.

When the two point coincide together it is the correct focus.

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